July 25, 2023

Bone Loss And Dental Restoration: What Are The Options?

The loss or removal of a tooth commonly leads to deterioration of the jawbone. The bone surrounding a tooth is there to support it and keep it in place. When the tooth is gone, this almost always leads to alveolar ridge loss, mostly within the first six months. Studies have shown this resorption results in the loss of about 30% of the alveolar ridge. In twelve months, that figure has increased to 50%.

Jawbone loss can cause a range of problems, from difficulty chewing to the loss of more teeth. But there are ways you can rectify the damage caused by missing teeth while regaining your smile.

You’ve likely heard of treatment options like dentures and traditional dental implants.  There is also All-on-4® which offers a set of new teeth that don’t require removal for cleaning or when you go to sleep. If your jawbone has already been impacted, there’s a high chance you may be wondering, ‘Can you get dental implants with bone loss?’

Missing teeth aren’t something you should simply learn to live with, no matter how long you’ve been putting up with it and how much damage your jawbone has sustained. Apart from the impact on your appearance and the way your mouth works, they can lead to a wide range of dental and overall health problems. When bacteria access open pockets in the gums, it can lead to a disease called periodontitis. This is the main route by which infection spreads to other areas of the body, eventually causing serious conditions like endocarditis and cardiovascular disease.

The question surrounding bone loss and dental implants is something most people wonder about. Is there a connection between dentures and bone loss? Does the right set stop the issue from occurring? And can you get dental implants with bone loss?

The revolutionary concept of All-on-4® is designed for people with bone loss and particularly long-term denture wearers. All-on-4® is an advanced form of restorative dentistry where a bridge, or arch of teeth, is supported by just four dental implants, two at the front and two at the back on one jawbone. Choosing All-on-4® lets you gain a brand new smile in just one day.

Causes of Jawbone Loss

Tooth extractions and losing your teeth are two of the most common causes of jawbone deterioration. Some other common issues include:


When issues like temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ) cause a malocclusion, this leads some teeth to lack an opposing structure, resulting in a weakened jawbone.


This bacterial infection affects the jawbone and its marrow, restricting the supply of blood to the bone.  Treatment often requires removing the affected bone.


Malignant tumours in the mouth almost always spread to the jaw, requiring removal. Even benign tumours can become too large and require similar extraction.

Genetic conditions

Developmental disorders like Treacher-Collins Syndrome can cause insufficient development in several areas of the skull, including the jawbone.

Other factors that can lead to missing teeth and bone loss often go hand in hand with gaps in your smile. So how do bone loss and traditional dental implants affect each other, and can you get traditional dental implants with bone loss?

All-on-4®: A Good Alternative to Dentures

How to pay for All-on-4<sup>®</sup>
Dentures can serve as a replacement for missing teeth. Having developed significantly from the “false teeth” of previous generations, many dentures look realistic. Most kinds of dentures still need to be removed for cleaning or when you go to sleep. They also tend to wear out with time, and there’s a high chance you’ll have to replace them at some stage. Dentures can sometimes be ill-fitting and unstable due to the bone loss which occurs from wearing dentures long-term and having no teeth that encourage bone support. This may result in the dentures being uncomfortable when you’re trying to speak or eat. They might also slip out of place mid-conversation, which can be embarrassing.

Dentures and bone loss also have a complicated relationship at times. Insufficient bone density can make dentures less secure and more likely to slip out of place.

The All-on-4® treatment uses just four implants to replace all of the teeth in one jawbone. Pioneered by Dr Paulo Malo in 1998, All-on-4® has a number of advantages over dentures. Using scans, X-rays, and extensive planning, Next Smile Australia creates a set of new teeth that fits the shape of your mouth and looks natural. Unlike dentures, our prosthetics don’t need to be removed at bedtime or when you need to clean your teeth. You’ll have no concerns about your dentures popping out when you least expect it, and you can get on with your life. Next Smile Australia lets you avoid the tricky business of juggling dentures and bone loss with the All-on-4® treatment.

All-on-4®: A Good Alternative to Traditional Implants

Traditional dental implants involve a series of titanium screws inserted into the jawbone to replace the roots of each missing tooth. Traditional dental implants are highly recommended if you only have one or two missing teeth. But what about a mouthful of missing teeth plus jaw damage? Is it difficult to manage bone loss and traditional dental implants at the same time? Can you even get traditional dental implants with bone loss?

All-on-4® avoids the difficulties that make bone loss and traditional dental implants such a challenging combination. Conventional dental implants often require additional procedures like dental bone grafting if your jawbone lacks density, and this makes both the process and the recovery time longer and more expensive. Traditional dental implants require multiple appointments. When you commit to All-on-4® with Next Smile Australia, we provide you with new teeth on the same day as your surgery.  

Can you get All-on-4® dental implants with bone loss? Yes, you can, and it’s a lot easier than managing traditional dental implants or dentures and bone loss. All-on-4® only requires four implants in one jawbone and avoids weak areas of the jawbone entirely, eliminating the need for dental bone grafting.

Although you can get All-on-4® dental implants with bone loss, there are a few more things to consider before you decide to undergo the All-on-4® treatment.

Am I Suitable for All-on-4®?

How to pay for All-on-4<sup>®</sup>

You can get All-on-4® dental implants with bone loss, advanced gum disease, and other complications. Yet All-on-4® isn’t the treatment for absolutely everybody. While you don’t need to be missing all of your teeth to benefit from All-on-4®, it’s a treatment for patients who are missing many teeth. If all you’ve lost is one or two teeth, traditional single dental implants are a better option for you.

Booking a personal consultation with Next Smile Australia is the only guaranteed way to find out whether or not you would benefit from All-on-4®. However, there’s a very high chance it’s the right treatment for you if:

  • You’ve lost all or most of your teeth due to illness, trauma, or tooth decay.
  • You have advanced gum disease.
  • You have been living with ill-fitting dentures
  • You cannot have your teeth restored by traditional means or don’t see any benefits to doing so.

Book a Consultation with Next Smile Australia

Next Smile Australia will address all of your concerns about bone loss and dental implants as we assess your eligibility for the All-on-4® treatment. Rest assured, you can get All-on-4® dental implants with bone loss. Next Smile Australia’s highly skilled dental surgeons have the means to manage other issues and conditions too.

Our industry-leading Super Clinics are where we carry out All-on-4® in a medically regulated, hygienic, and comfortable environment. We carry out our treatments with first-class technology and facilities like in-house dental laboratories and state-of-the-art surgical rooms.

For more information about All-on-4® or to arrange a personal consultation, contact Next Smile Australia
