
Don’t let failing teeth hold you back from living your best life.

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Next Smile Australia All-on-4® Ballarat

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Next Smile Australia Ballarat

If you’re ready for a new smile, talk to the team at Next Smile Australia to find out if All-on-4® treatment is right for you.

What makes All-on-4® different to regular dental implants is that it only uses four implants to support an entire arch of teeth rather than individual implants for each tooth. It is a long-term, fixed alternative to dentures.

Next Smile Australia follows the clinically proven Malo Protocol* when performing the All-on-4® treatment concept, which is a two-stage process. During the first stage, you will undergo implant surgery, where you’ll receive your first set of provisional teeth within 24 hours, or often on the same day of surgery.

After you’ve been given your provisional teeth, there is typically a wait of around three to six months as your bone fuses to the implants before you come back for your final set of teeth.

Next Smile Australia’s dedicated standalone surgical centre has clinical staff and a support team collaborating with a leading dental surgeon to deliver the clinically proven* world-leading All-on-4® protocol.

We provide clear pricing and a range of payment options, including payment plans and assisting you in accessing your super (if you are eligible), as we understand that the All-on-4® procedure is a significant investment.

Next Smile Australia partners with trusted Accredited Partners to evaluate your situation and determine which treatment solution best suits you. With over two decades of experience, you can have peace of mind knowing you’re in good hands when you undergo the All-on-4® treatment at Next Smile Australia.

Contact Us

Discover how we’ve helped thousands of Aussies and could help you too!

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes All-on-4® dental implants so unique?

The All-on-4® two-stage protocol, developed by Dr Malo, allows the placement of four dental implants to support a fixed bridge during one appointment. This greatly reduces the time patients spend without teeth: You will receive a non-removable set of new teeth in as little as one day. It dramatically improves how you smile, eat and speak, boosting your confidence as you move through life.

Am I a good candidate for All-on-4® dental implants?

Several factors may affect your suitability for All-on-4® dental implants. To assess your situation, a Next Smile Australia certified surgeon and team will examine your dental and overall health, as well as your patient history.

Considering the results of your initial consultation and assessment, they will then recommend a tailor-made treatment solution that serves your needs and preferences. If you are accessing treatment via a Next Smile Australia Accredited Partner, their competent team will determine whether you are a candidate for All-on-4® and plan treatment.

Will All-on-4® dental implants prevent bone loss?

When you lose one or more teeth, the underlying bone has no function and, consequently, is reabsorbed by the body. Dental implants, however, can provide enough stimulation to the jawbone to prevent the bone from further deterioration. All-on-4® dental implants, as such, also prevent further bone loss.

Dental implants are the best treatment option for patients already suffering from bone loss. Patients who’ve been advised that traditional solutions to missing teeth won’t work for them due to significant bone loss are often perfect candidates for the All-on-4® procedure.

Who will perform my All-on-4® procedure?

Our highly skilled dental surgeons have been transforming smiles in their local communities for many, many years.

A Malo-certified Next Smile Australia dental surgeon operates out of Next Smile Australia as part of the Australian All-on-4® network of dental professionals.

If you are accessing treatment via a Next Smile Australia Accredited Partner, their competent team will prepare and plan your All-on-4® dental implants and undertake any post-surgical care so that you will only be required to travel to Next Smile Australia for your surgery-related appointments.

We regularly hold free educational seminars, on and offline, where you can meet and talk to your local implant team. If you’d like your individual situation assessed by a dental professional or require further information on our services, please get in touch!

How can I book an initial consultation with Next Smile Australia?

If you are ready for new teeth that look and feel good, don’t hesitate to contact the friendly team at your local Next Smile Australia.

Our qualified dental surgeons will assess your individual situation and propose a treatment tailored to your individual needs and preferences. Next Smile Australia also runs regular, free information evenings online and at several locations in Victoria. Check out our upcoming events to book your spot!

I just wanted to go out to dinner with friends and not have to worry about my teeth.

We’ve helped Deb and could help you too!

Deb (Ballarat Patient)
Upper and Lower All-on-4®
full teeth implants

Ready to take the All-on-4® Dental Implant journey like thousands of others?

Request a personal consultation or ask us a question and our Next Smile Ballarat team will be in touch promptly.

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Find out More

Attend a free Next Smile Australia information evening at one of our locations or join an online Webinar to learn
more about All-on-4® Dental Implants treatment plans.

If you’d like to schedule a personal consultation, please get in touch
