July 27, 2023

Full-Mouth Dental Implants: What Are The Options?

Full-mouth dental implants are designed to take you from having little to no teeth left to your new full-set teeth smile. If you’ve been living with missing teeth for a while, full-mouth dental implants offer you a fresh start with a new set of natural-looking, functional teeth.

Unlike removable dentures, traditional dental implants are false teeth that are permanently attached to the jawbone in a series of minor operations. For each implant, a titanium screw is inserted into the jaw to replace the roots of the tooth that are missing, and an artificial tooth or “crown” is affixed to the top.

Missing teeth are common in Australia, and the most common causes include tooth decay, trauma, illnesses, and genetic conditions. Untreated missing teeth affect not just your appearance but your dental and overall health, leading to problems like more missing teeth and even serious health issues elsewhere in the body.

Can you get a full mouth of dental implants? Yes. A full-mouth of individual dental implants works similarly to traditional implants that you receive for one or two missing teeth, except they include bridgework to support multiple missing teeth on one implant. The question is, is a full mouth of dental implants worth it? What can you expect the cost of a full mouth of dental implants to amount to?

What are the benefits of a full-mouth of individual dental implants vs. the All-on-4® treatment? Both treatment styles are more suitable for some cases than others. When performed by a professional, you can get a full mouth of dental implants with either. To find out which one you should turn to in order to fix your dental issues, book a personal consultation with Next Smile Australia.   

Full Mouth Dental Implants

If you only have one or two missing teeth, traditional single dental implants are the best treatment option for you. But what if all or most of your teeth are badly damaged? Can you get full-mouth dental implants?

Yes, you can replace a full set of teeth and restore your entire smile using traditional single dental implants. 

As the name suggests, full-mouth dental implants involve using implants to replace every single missing tooth in your upper or lower jaw or both. 

Unlike dentures, the prosthetics from your individual dental implants don’t have to be removed when you clean them or go to bed. You can brush them the same way as regular teeth, and with the proper care, they can last a lifetime. Dental implants prevent further loss of bone density, which is a common problem after losing teeth. They also allow you to eat and drink whatever you want.

On the downside, a mouth full of traditional single dental implants is a large procedure that requires multiple visits to your dentist and long periods of recovery. If you’ve been missing teeth for a while, it’s also likely that you’ve already lost a significant amount of jawbone mass. In order to support a mouthful of traditional implants, dental bone grafting will likely be required. This procedure involves taking bone from a tissue bank or another part of your body and using it to strengthen your jawbone. This procedure can be painful and can unsurprisingly add a lot of time to your recovery period.

The cost of full-mouth traditional dental implants is another factor worth considering. In Australia, a mouth full of traditional single dental implants can cost from $5000 per implant.

Are full-mouth traditional dental implants worth it? They could be, but before you commit to any major dental procedure, it’s important to look at all your options. Can you get a full mouth of traditional single dental implants in as little as just one day? No, but you can with the All-on-4® treatment.

All-on-4® Dental Implants

How to pay for All-on-4<sup>®</sup>

All-on-4® is an advanced approach to dental restoration pioneered by Dr Paulo Malo in 1998.  It involves providing patients with an all-new bridge or arch of new teeth using only four implants: two at the front and two at the back on one jawbone. With a 98% success rate, All-on-4® has already changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of patients.

All-on-4® has a very similar approach to traditional dental implants. A key difference is that instead of requiring an implant for every missing tooth, All-on-4® can replace an entire jaw’s worth of teeth on just four strategically placed implants. At Next Smile Australia, we use ‘The Malo Protocol’, Dr Malo’s two-stage approach. During stage one of this process, you’ll receive your ‘provisional bridge’ or first set of teeth to wear for three to six months. Once these implants fuse with your jawbone (osseointegration), you’ll be ready for stage two, or your ‘final bridge’.

Can you get a full mouth rehabilitation using just four implants per jaw? Definitely, the All-on-4® procedure is designed as a treatment option for those who have lost all or most of their teeth. There are some important differences between All-on-4® and traditional dental implants that make All-on-4® a treatment option you should consider. The treatment only uses four implants per arch, which means a new smile in just one day and shorter timeframes for both treatment and recovery. All-on-4® dental implants can be angled to target stronger areas of the jaw, avoiding the need for dental bone grafting.

But All-on-4® might not be as worthwhile for everyone. While you don’t need to be missing every single tooth to benefit from All-on-4®, it’s designed for people with many missing teeth. If you’re a smoker, in poor oral health, or have an underlying condition such as an autoimmune disorder, you might not be a suitable candidate for All-on-4®.

The best way to find out is to book a consultation with a Next Smile Australia dental surgeon. A member of our team will be able to examine your oral history to assess your suitability for All-on-4®.

Price Difference

The cost of full-mouth dental implants is also an important factor, and in Australia, it varies. A single conventional dental implant costs thousands of dollars. Full mouth dental restoration can range from $20,000 to $40,000 for a single arch, sometimes more, and the quality can be equally unpredictable. Often you get what you pay for.

Can you get full mouth rehabilitation with All-on-4® dental implants for a price you can pay off over time? With Next Smile Australia’s all-inclusive All-on-4® pricing, a single arch and all the associated treatments from initial consultation through to aftercare cost just $27,000. Third-party payment plans are available so that you can pay off the cost of full-mouth dental implants over time for as little as $140 per week.

Book a Consultation at Next Smile Australia

How to pay for All-on-4<sup>®</sup>

Full mouth rehabilitation with All-on-4® dental implants is worth it with Next Smile Australia. Our industry-leading Super Clinics with onsite surgical rooms and dental laboratories ensure you can get a full mouth of All-on-4® dental implants in the safest, most hygienic, and most comfortable circumstances.

And if you live a long way from a Super Clinic, our accredited partners offer the same standard of care closer to your home. You’ll only have to travel on the day of your surgery and can attend all other appointments in your area.

For more information about how you can get a full mouth of dental implants, and to book a personal consultation, contact Next Smile Australia.
