July 14, 2023

How To Care For Your All-on-4® Implants

Imagine this: after years of living with missing teeth or teeth that have sustained significant amounts of damage, you wake up from surgery with a brand-new smile. Your new set of teeth gives you the chance to smile in photos and eat all of your favourite foods the way that you used to.

You would probably wonder, ‘How do I take care of these new teeth? How do I make them last?

All-on-4® dental implants can make this a reality for you. In just 24 hours, you can say goodbye to awkward and ill-fitting dentures and gaps in your smile. But like all surgical procedures, All-on-4® implant-supported teeth require aftercare. Chances are, you’re wondering how to care for All-on-4® dental implant-supported teeth, so they maintain their quality for years to come.

The good news is that cleaning All-on-4® prosthetics is no harder than cleaning natural teeth, and Next Smile Australia is available to help with the aftercare.

All-on-4® is an innovative form of dental restoration that provides you with a new smile in only one day. Created by Dr Paulo Malo in 1998, it offers a powerful solution to the common problem of missing teeth. Similar to traditional dental implants, it contains some important distinctions. While traditional dental implants commonly use titanium screws inserted one by one into the jawbone to replace the roots of each missing tooth, All-on-4® supports an entire arch of new teeth on either the upper or lower jawbone with just four implants: two in front, two at the back.

The procedure typically has a much quicker recovery time than traditional dental implants, helped in part by the fact there’s no dental bone grafting required. It also has a 98% success rate, with hundreds of thousands of successful treatments performed.

So how do you clean All-on-4® dental implant-supported teeth, and what else do you need to do to guarantee their longevity? What should you do to protect your new set of teeth, and, just as importantly, what do you need to avoid?

This blog explores questions like ‘How do you clean All-on-4® dental implant-supported teeth?’ and concerns like how to floss All-on-4® dental implant-supported teeth, among others.

Importance of Cleaning

By regularly cleaning your teeth, you can protect the health of your mouth and the health of the rest of your body too. Some tips for taking care of your teeth include:

  • Brush at least twice a day for two minutes.
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush.
  • Use mouthwash to remove food particles.
  • Eat healthy and avoid sugar-laden food and drinks.
  • Replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months.
  • Avoid smoking and vaping. 
  • Book a check-up and clean with your dentist at least every six months.

How do you clean All-on-4® dental implant-supported teeth? Brush twice a day with a soft bristle toothbrush all the way up to your gum line. You can also use an electric toothbrush for a more thorough cleaning.  

Flossing is important whether you have genuine teeth or implants. Wondering how to floss All-on-4® dental implants?  Use a high-quality type like Super Floss or X Floss at least once a day. You could also use a water flosser or a Waterpik daily to flush around the teeth and under the bridges to dislodge any food particles.

Use a non-alcoholic antibacterial mouthwash to remove the smaller particles from the area between your gums and the prosthesis.

For more information about how to floss All-on-4® dental implants, see this blog.

The question of how to care for All-on-4® dental implants doesn’t have to be a challenging one. All it takes is a handful of simple steps and habits to keep your All-on-4® teeth looking great and functioning perfectly long into the future.

You don’t have to manage it alone, either. Next Smile Australia will help address your concerns about how you clean All-on-4® dental implants with our aftercare treatment.
How to pay for All-on-4<sup>®</sup>


Although your All-on-4® prosthetics and implants won’t be at risk of decay like regular teeth and roots, you’ll still have to take care of them to make them last. This includes regular cleaning.  Once you receive your All-on-4® implants, the Next Smile Australia team will provide you with more detailed aftercare instructions for taking care of them. As long as you follow our maintenance schedule, your new teeth will be fully covered by our Next Smile Treatment Warranty.

Your care regime for your implants is easy to follow, and our level of care before, during and after your procedure should encourage you to take care of your smile.

Next Smile Australia will be able to deal with any questions you may have, from “How you clean All-on-4® dental implant-supported teeth?” to general information about how to care for All-on-4® dental implant-supported teeth and inquiries about diet. We’ll talk you through every important aspect of how you clean All-on-4® dental implant-supported teeth, including how to floss All-on-4® dental implant-supported teeth.

All you have to do is take care of your own part in looking after your teeth, which is important whether you have dental implants or not.

Things to Avoid

While brushing and rinsing are important; you should avoid them for the first 24 hours after your implant surgery in order to avoid interrupting the healing process.

In the days following that, use a soft bristle toothbrush and avoid any direct contact with the surgical sites in your mouth. After that, your cleaning routine will be very much the kind you already use to maintain natural teeth. 

It's important not to smoke or vape for at least three months after dental implant surgery or avoid it altogether to prolong the life of your dental implants. Avoid hot foods or liquids like coffee or soup while your mouth is still numb from the anaesthetic. Instead, opt for lukewarm versions. Dairy can cause an inflammatory reaction in healing sites, and you should avoid it for at least a couple of days.

Hard or crunchy foods are to be avoided for at least 12 weeks after your surgery. Immediately after your implant surgery, your diet will be limited to soft and blended foods. Liquids like vegetable juices and meal replacement shakes are some great options for the first couple of days following your treatment. As your recovery period progresses, you can eat a variety of soft foods like scrambled eggs, porridge, fruits, vegetables, jelly and mashed potatoes.  
How to pay for All-on-4<sup>®</sup>

Book a Consultation at Next Smile Australia

At Next Smile Australia, we use ‘The Malo Protocol’, Dr Paulo Malo’s own two-bridge process that provides you with a new smile more quickly. During stage one of this process, you receive your ‘provisional bridge’, or first set of teeth to wear for three to six months. Once the dental implants have fused with your jawbone (osseointegration), you’ll be ready for stage two: the fitting of your permanent teeth.

We perform all of our All-on-4® procedures at our Next Smile Super Clinics around the country. Guided by values like empathy, dedication, excellence and a commitment to growth, our skilled team will make sure your entire treatment is delivered with comfort as a priority. We’ll address any concerns you may have and answer questions about how to care for All-on-4® dental implants, like “How do you clean All-on-4® dental implant-supported teeth?”

Our industry-leading Super Clinics come equipped with state-of-the-art technology and high-grade facilities like in-house dental laboratories and surgical rooms.  

To see for yourself how All-on-4® can transform a patient’s smile, take a look at our before and after pictures.

For more information about how you clean All-on-4® dental implant-supported teeth, the All-on-4® treatment in general, or to book a personal consultation, contact Next Smile Australia
