April 17, 2024

Fake Teeth Options in Australia: What is Best For You?

For most people, the phrase “false teeth” brings to mind a very specific mental picture: the standard style of dentures in the glass of water by the bedside. Yet just as there are many ways in Australia to treat dental issues, there are several fake teeth options available. If you’ve lost teeth due to an injury, accident or advanced tooth decay, a brand-new smile is within reach.

In Australia, more than one-quarter of all people over the age of 65 live with complete tooth loss. If you’re looking into treatment options, chances are that you or someone you know is one of them. Missing teeth, while common, have more consequences than many people expect, including the loss of more teeth, reduced jawbone density, and issues with eating and speech. Missing teeth replacement keeps your oral health intact and prevents issues like periodontitis, which can spread and cause other health conditions elsewhere in the body.

There are many different types of false teeth available, including full and partial dentures, implant-supported dentures, and fixed bridges. Like all medical procedures, not every dental treatment is right for everyone.

Dental prostheses, otherwise known as false teeth, are made to look like natural teeth and restore the functions lost. Depending on how many teeth you’ve lost, the overall state of your oral health, and your dental and medical background, there are certainly fake teeth options that are right for you. The question is which ones.

What Is A Dental Prosthesis, and Do You Need One?

A dental prosthesis is an artificial appliance used to restore one or more missing natural teeth, badly damaged teeth or dysfunctional teeth. Because a prosthesis serves such an important role, there are several considerations involved in its construction. A dental prosthesis needs to be strong, long-lasting, resistant to fatigue and aging, made from biocompatible material, and comfortable for the patient. As long as it fulfils these criteria, a prosthesis can take on many forms, which is crucial because dental patients have varied circumstances.


Missing teeth are the most obvious sign that you need a dental prosthesis, as even a single missing tooth can set off a chain reaction that causes other dental and health problems. If you have cracked or damaged teeth due to gum disease or other factors, dental prostheses may be right for you as well. When your teeth are damaged or decayed beyond repair, that’s a surefire sign that it’s time to explore fake teeth options.

Different Types of Dental Prosthesis

Dental prosthetic treatment isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach, and what works for one patient won’t necessarily work for another. Some common missing teeth replacement options include

Removable Prosthesis

Removable fake teeth options are designed to be taken out for cleaning and when you go to sleep. This style of prosthesis has its benefits. It’s adaptable, so you can adjust or remove it as your mouth changes shape over time. It has no risk of surgical complications as it doesn’t involve drilling into the jawbone, and it has evolved over the decades to be far more comfortable and realistic-looking than the false teeth of the past. On the downside, they lack the stability of implant-supported teeth and can shift out of place. They also do not stimulate the jawbone in the same way teeth or implants do, so there is a risk of jawbone reabsorption.

Partial Prosthesis

A partial prosthetic is a dental device that replaces one or more missing teeth but not a whole arch. While it can restore your smile much the same as a normal set of dentures, a partial denture can attach to the natural teeth that still remain in your upper or lower jaw.


Dentures are false teeth commonly made from plastic but with a metal or acrylic resin frame. These days, dentures are much more realistic than their reputation suggests and offer much more variety. Depending on how many teeth need to be replaced, you can choose between full, partial, and implant-supported dentures.

Non-Removable Prosthesis

Non-removable dental prosthetics are anchored securely into the mouth. This gives them stability and durability, as well as the convenience of not having to remove them for cleaning. On the downside, non-removable dental treatments tend to cost more and have longer recovery periods.

Dental Bridges

A dental bridge is a non-removable device fixed to your existing teeth. It’s commonly used if you have more than one missing tooth but not a whole mouthful. The bridge is attached to the healthy teeth on either side of the gap.


A dental crown is a specially made cap that covers a cracked or damaged tooth so that it looks and functions better. If you have a badly damaged tooth, have just had a root canal treatment, or want to protect a vulnerable tooth, a dental crown might be the option for you.

Implant-Supported Prosthesis

An implant-supported prosthesis is simply a dental prosthesis supported by implants. The implants integrate with your jawbone so that the prostheses feel and function similar to real teeth. They are often realistic-looking, they don’t need to be removed, and they won’t fall out when you least expect them.

Traditional Dental Implants

A traditional dental implant involves a titanium screw inserted into your jaw in order to replace the roots of a missing tooth. The artificial tooth, also called the crown, is then attached to the top. Traditional dental implants permanently replace missing teeth and look natural. However, the dental implant procedure can be a long process, often involving lengthy recovery times and sometimes additional measures like dental bone grafting if your jawbone lacks sufficient density to support implants.


The All-on-4® treatment is a dental restoration solution pioneered by Dr Paulo Malo in 1998. All-on-4® supports an entire arch of artificial teeth with just four implants: two at the front and two at the back in either the upper or lower jawbone. Compared to other forms of dental restoration, All-on-4® has a number of unique benefits. It has a much faster recovery time than traditional implants, doesn’t require dental bone grafting and provides you with a brand-new smile in just 24 hours. It’s also a procedure with a 98% success rate and hundreds of thousands of success stories.

Which False Teeth Option Is Most Suitable For You?

Of all the fake teeth options out there, which one is most suitable for your situation? Due to the many different factors involved, it’s best to discuss the issue with a dental professional who can take into account your own circumstances and dental history.

If you have only one or two gaps in your smile, traditional dental implants are likely to be the best option. On the other hand, you might be a suitable candidate for All-on-4® if you’ve lost multiple teeth due to illness or injury, you have advanced-stage gum disease, or you can’t have your teeth restored by other means (or don’t see the benefits of doing so).

Renew Your Smile with Next Smile Australia

If you believe that All-on-4®is the right treatment option for you, Next Smile Australia can start you on the journey to regaining a smile you can be happy with.

Starting with a personal consultation, we’ll assess your goals and dental history and construct a natural-looking new set of teeth perfect for you. Our prostheses are constructed by our in-house technicians using the best Nobel Biocare materials, and we carry out all of our surgeries in our safe, hygienic, and award-winning in-house Super Clinics.

If you’d like to find out more about the All-on-4® treatment or arrange a personal consultation, contact Next Smile Australia.
