July 21, 2023

What to Eat After Your All-on-4® Surgery

There’s a recovery period after any kind of dental surgery that requires you to be careful of what you eat. It’s important to eat softer food and avoid food that can interfere with the healing process. You need to adapt your diet to the different stages of recovery until, eventually, you are able to enjoy the foods you used to consume and more. Fortunately, All-on-4® has a faster recovery period than traditional dental implant procedures. With the right planning, eating after All-on-4® implants isn’t too demanding.

There are several different treatments for missing teeth out there, from dentures (false teeth) to traditional dental implants and bridges. In order to be more realistic and functional, traditional dental implants continue to develop. Before traditional dental implants have fused to the bone, they make it difficult to eat certain foods, especially those that are excessively tough, chewy, or leave stains. Whereas dentures usually need to be removed for cleaning and before bedtime.

Traditional dental implants are a popular option that involves attaching artificial teeth to the jawbone using titanium screws. Eating with traditional dental implants is easy once the healing process is complete. Eating after a traditional dental implant surgery, however, still requires forethought and planning. Traditional implants may necessitate abstaining from certain foods, such as excessively crunchy or hot foods, for three to six months as the implants fuse to your jawbone (osseointegration).

The All-on-4® treatment is a revolutionary approach to dental implants that involves supporting an entire “bridge” or arch of teeth with just four implants in the upper or lower jaw: two in the front and two at the back. Since Dr Paulo Malo designed the procedure in 1998, it’s had a positive impact on hundreds of thousands of patients, with a proven 98% success rate.

All-on-4® has advantages when compared to traditional implants. It has a shorter recovery time and doesn’t require dental bone grafting, even if your jawbone lacks sufficient density. Eating after All-on-4® implants, however, still takes planning. Here’s a short rundown on what you can eat after All-on-4® surgery and what you need to avoid.

Food You Can Eat Immediately After Surgery 

Here’s some good news about All-on-4®: once your healing period is over, you can eat any kind of food you like. Unlike many dentures, All-on-4® prosthetics won’t slide out of place or suffer any damage from the foods you eat. Eating after getting All-on-4® implants isn’t too difficult with planning. So what can you eat right after your All-on-4® surgery?

Following surgery, your mouth is likely to be numb for a while as the anaesthetic wears off. During this time, a liquid diet is your safest option. You can keep up your caloric intake with fruit smoothies, vegetable juices, protein shakes, meal replacement drinks, and warm (not hot!) soups.

After the numbness wears off, eating after your All-on-4®dental implant surgery becomes easier as you have the option to introduce a range of soft foods like:

Scrambled eggs

Eggs are rich in protein and calcium, and beating them into scrambled eggs makes them easy to eat.

Fruits and vegetables

Fruit and vegetables are packed with nutrients, and most of them, like berries, are naturally soft. You can still enjoy firmer fruits by turning them into smoothies and soups.

Mashed potatoes

Potatoes are high in fibre, and mashing potatoes is one of the most popular ways to prepare them. They also have the softest texture.

Blended foods

A blender is an exceptionally helpful tool when it comes to eating after your All-on-4® dental implant surgery.

Other foods that make eating after All-on-4® implants easier include jelly, porridge, oats, yoghurt, and ice cream.

How to pay for All-on-4<sup>®</sup>

Foods to Avoid

 Eating with dental implants still allows for an enjoyable range of food and drinks. But there are some items you should definitely avoid if you don’t want to interfere with the healing process or cause yourself pain while eating after the All-on-4® implant surgery:

Hot drinks and foods

When your mouth is still numb from the anaesthetic, drinking hot coffee or soup can burn you and impede your recovery. Instead, opt for lukewarm beverages. The same applies to solids. Eating anything too hot straight after any dental implant surgery is a bad idea.


Dairy can cause tissue inflammation after dental implant surgery, interfering with the healing process and even leading to nausea and vomiting. Ideally, you should wait about a couple of days to a week before reintroducing dairy into your diet.

Hard or crunchy foods

Particularly hard or crunchy foods like chips and crackers are not recommended when recovering from dental implant surgery.

Sugary, spicy, and acidic food and drinks

These foods can irritate the soft tissue around your gums, causing swelling and pain. Examples to watch out for include spicy curries, sugary fruit juice, and chips with vinegar.

If you need any more advice or assistance regarding what you can eat after All-on-4® surgery and what’s off-limits, Next Smile Australia is delighted to help.

Part of our treatment plan with All-on-4® is the aftercare for your new smile. We’ll give you the guidance and professional care you require to maintain your new set of teeth. You can take care of All-on-4® implants the same way as normal teeth: regular brushing, flossing plus occasional check-ups and cleans with a professional.

Next Smile Australia is happy to provide more information about eating with dental implants and other aspects of care for your new teeth.

Foods You Can Eat After Recovery

Fortunately, All-on-4® has a shorter recovery time than traditional dental implants, but it’s important to remember that it takes three to six months for All-on-4® implants to osseointegrate with your jawbone. During this process, it’s still best to avoid hard, sticky, or spicy foods.

The good news is that once the healing process is complete, All-on-4® implants function just like regular teeth, and you can eat whatever you like. Watching what you’re eating after the All-on-4® implant surgery is a necessary stage of your journey to the freedom that All-on-4® allows.

Next Smile Australia is happy to provide more detailed information about what you can eat after All-on-4® surgery and eating after dental implant surgery in general.

Book a Consultation at Next Smile Australia

How to pay for All-on-4<sup>®</sup>

Figuring out the practicalities of eating after All-on-4® implants is a relatively small price to pay in exchange for the benefits that All-on-4® provides.

Next Smile Australia will make sure every stage of the treatment is comfortable, from your initial consultation to aftercare, along with advice on eating with All-on-4® dental implants. Our industry-leading Super Clinics are designed to carry out the All-on-4® procedure in a hygienic and medically regulated environment. These Super Clinics come with highly trained staff, advanced-level technology, and on-site facilities, including state-of-the-art surgical rooms and dental laboratories.

If you live a long way from any of our Super Clinics, our accredited partners provide the same standard of care closer to home for you.

Want to know more about the All-on-4® treatment or eating after All-on-4® implants? Book a personal consultation to discover if All-on-4® is right for you. Whatever stage you’re at in your treatment journey, don’t hesitate to contact Next Smile Australia.
