September 4, 2024

The Structure of The All-on-4® Treatment Concept

The history of restorative dentistry is incredible. It has been a life-changing field, helping repair and restore people’s teeth. Not only does it help cosmetically, but it aims to restore functionality and improve quality of life and well-being.

Oral health plays a massive role in a person’s physical and mental health. Even one missing tooth can have a major impact on a person’s well-being. So, dental implants as a tooth replacement has been a game changer for restoring functionality to the mouth, preventing jaw issues, and bringing back smiles.

In particular, the All-on-4® treatment concept has been an advancement in the field and a great alternative to dentures and traditional dental implants. The All-on-4® treatment, compared to conventional dental implant methods, features various benefits.

What Is The Structure of an All-on-4® Dental Implant?

The All-on-4® treatment concept consists of four dental implants strategically placed to secure prosthetic teeth to either the upper or lower jawbone. The All-on-4® dental implants are made from a biocompatible titanium material, which is crucial for the osseointegration process to take place.

In dental terms, osseointegration is defined as “the formation of a direct interface between an implant and bone, without intervening soft tissue.” Osseointegration was discovered by Swedish physician and professor Per-Ingvar Brånemarkin in the 1950s and is the basis for all dental implants.

For all dental implants, osseointegration needs to be successful. For osseointegration to occur, it needs to happen with a biocompatible material, like titanium. Titanium is completely safe and non-toxic for the body, which is why it is widely used, even in other aspects of healthcare beyond dentistry.

When a dental implant is placed into the jawbone, bone tissue will slowly ‘fuse’ and ‘integrate’ with the titanium surface of the implant. Four All-on-4® dental implants are placed into either the upper or lower jawbone. At Next Smile Australia, the All-on-4® dental implants are made by Nobel Biocare, the leading manufacturer of All-on-4® implants.

The All-on-4® posterior dental implants are placed at a 45-degree angle to maximise bone volume and quality and provide the span of the bridge. They are strategically placed using jawbone scans and assistive technology to avoid any parts of the jaw that could be poor quality or have low density. This increases the chance of success, prevents long-term issues, and avoids the need for bone grafting.

The prosthetic teeth used for the All-on-4® bridge are typically made from high-impact acrylic with an internal titanium metal bar. These materials are well known to be long-lasting and durable, and they can potentially last longer when correct aftercare procedures are followed.

How Are All-on-4® Dental Implants Different To Traditional Dental Implants?

Structure of All-on-4 dental implants

All-on-4® dental implants differ from traditional dental implants in several key ways. This includes the number of implants used, the procedure, and suitability for patients. We’ve highlighted the key differences below.

  • The All-on-4® treatment concept only uses four implants to support an arch of prosthetic teeth in either the upper or lower jawbone. In comparison, traditional dental implant treatment requires an implant per missing tooth. This means you need an individual dental implant to support each crown.
  • The All-on-4® dental implants are placed differently from traditional alternatives. All-on-4® posterior dental implants are placed at a 45-degree angle to avoid areas of low bone density and also provide maximum stability. In comparison, traditional dental implants are placed vertically and may require bone grafting if there is insufficient bone density.
  • One of the main benefits of All-on-4® treatment is that, unlike traditional dental implants, it does not require bone grafting.
  • The All-on-4® treatment concept is often referred to as the “teeth in a day” procedure. The provisional bridge is often fitted within 24 hours of the All-on-4® dental implant surgery. In comparison, individual implants are surgically placed and covered with healing caps for 3-6 months, followed by a second surgery to place the connectors for the final restoration four weeks later.
  • The suitability for the All-on-4® treatment compared to traditional dental implants is different, too. All-on-4® is typically for patients who need to replace most or all of their teeth or live with ill-fitting dentures. Traditional dental implants are more suitable for patients with localised tooth loss and who want to replace a single missing tooth, not a whole arch.
  • The recovery time for All-on-4® dental implants is typically quicker than that of traditional dental implants. This is because fewer implants are placed in the All-on-4® treatment concept, and bone grafting isn’t typically required. The bridge of All-on-4® can also be placed immediately. This is called immediate loading, referring to the ability to attach a temporary bridge to the implants straight after their placement. This approach is made possible by the strategic placement of four implants in areas of the jaw with optimal bone density.

The Reason Nobel Biocare is the Leading Manufacturer of All-on-4® Dental Implants

Nobel Biocare is the leading manufacturer of dental implants used in the All-on-4® treatment concept for several reasons. Dr Paul Malo developed the All-on-4® concept alongside Nobel Biocare. Nobel Biocare developed the Nobelspeedy Groovy implant, which is the only implant to be used for successful All-on-4. It was clinically researched and has a proven 98% success rate.

Nobel Biocare partnered with Dr. Paul Malo, who developed the All-on-4® technique in the 1990s. Together, they created and refined the concept. Nobel Biocare also has a proven track record in dental restoration, with decades of clinical data to back up its dental implants.

Nobel Biocare also uses only the highest-quality titanium for its dental implants, which are renowned for their biocompatibility and ability to integrate with the bone (osseointegration). The company is a globally recognised brand in dentistry, with a presence in countries worldwide.

Nobel Biocare is also committed to the innovation and improvement of the All-on-4® treatment concept. Their continuous research and data further dental implant technology, ensuring that the All-on-4® treatment is always evolving and improving. Nobel Biocare’s All-on-4® dental implants also have a proven track record and history of high success rates.

Renew Your Smile With All-on-4® Dental Implants at Next Smile Australia

Structure of All-on-4 dental implants

If you’re considering restorative dentistry, renew your smile and start your journey with us today with All-on-4® dental implants at Next Smile Australia.

We follow the Malo Protocol, a two-bridge treatment process pioneered by Dr Paulo Malo. When you choose a Next Smile Australia Super Clinic for All-on-4® dental implants, the process consists of two stages. Stage one is when you’ll receive a temporary, “provisional” bridge for three to six months.

Once your bone has fused with the high-quality biocompatible titanium material, you’ll return to Next Smile Australia for stage two. Malo Protocol’s stage two consists of removing the temporary, provisional set of teeth and replacing them with the “final” set—created by our Next Smile Australia Labs using genuine Nobel Biocare components.

Compared to traditional dental implant methods, All-on-4® dental implants avoid invasive bone grafts and typically have faster recovery times. All-on-4® is also easier when it comes to cleaning and maintenance long-term.

If you have any questions regarding All-on-4® or the Malo Protocol used at Next Smile Australia, contact us. Our team would be happy to answer any queries.
